The Great Law of Peace Recital 2024 at Six Nations of the Grand River

The Great Law of Peace is the cornerstone of our Haudenosaunee (Iroquois) Confederacy, embodying principles of peace, power, and righteousness that have guided the Haudenosaunee nations for centuries. Annual recitals of the Great Law of Peace have been bringing together people from all of our Haudenosaunee communities to learn about this foundational aspect of our people.

The first recital took place in August 2013 in the Oneida Territory near London, Ontario, drawing over 300 Onkwehón:we people from Ontario, Quebec, New York State, and Wisconsin. This significant event, also known as the Kayanerenkó:wa, describes the foundation of what is known as the League of Five Nations or, in the language, Wisk Nihohhnohnwhentsyake. Recited in Onkwehonwenéha, the recital was a collaborative effort of elders and knowledge keepers from Oneida, Ohsweken, and Akwesasne as well as other communities.

The story of the Peacemaker bringing the Great Law to our people is a profound tale of transformation, unity, and peace. Long ago, our nations were engulfed in violent conflict and continuous war. The Peacemaker, a divine figure born from a virgin mother, embarked on a mission to end the bloodshed and establish harmony among the warring nations. Accompanied by Hiawatha, the Peacemaker traveled from village to village, spreading his message of peace and the principles of the Great Law. His teachings emphasized the values of skén:nen (peace), ka’shatsénhsera (collective strength), and ka’nikonhrí:yo (good mind). The Peacemaker's efforts culminated in the formation of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, a union of the Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk), Onenyote’á:ka (Oneida), Ononta’kehá:ka (Onondaga), Kayonkwe’hà:ka (Cayuga), and Shotinontowane’hà:ka (Seneca) nations, later joined by the Thatiskarò:roks (Tuscarora). Under the Great Law of Peace, our nations united in a democratic system of governance based on consensus and mutual respect, creating a powerful and enduring legacy of peace and unity.

This epic meta-narrative includes the journey of the Peacemaker, the grief and condolence of Hiawatha, and the transformation of key figures such as Tsikonsase, Tekarihó:ken, and Atotárho. The retelling also covers the standing up of the first twelve families.

Kanyen’kehà:ka (Mohawk) Turtle families:




Onenyote’á:ka (Oneida) Wolf families:




Kayonkwe’hà:ka (Cayuga) families:




Ononta’kehá:ka (Onondaga) family:


Shotinontowane’hà (Seneca) families:



The Sour Springs Longhouse hosts this year’s recital in our home community, the Six Nations of the Grand River Territory. At this time, these events are held exclusively for Haudenosaunee people. We appreciate our allies and supporters respecting our wish to strengthen our nations from within. Anyone wishing to support this extremely important event can contact to make a donation. Stay updated on the event by following the Great Law of Peace Facebook page.


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